torsdag 27. februar 2014

I've moved (again)

Goodbye, dorm!

Goodbye tiny bathroom.

Moved in with a nice older lady living very close to central Tenjin, within walking distance of GenkiJACS. Got myself a Japanese style room and everything!

Hello tatami!
This time, my host mother speaks very little english, so I'll be forced to practise more Japanese. I suppose it is really a good thing, but it's also kind of scary since I still in no uncertain terms absolutely suck in this language! 

The lady used to run a coffe shop,
and guests used to leace umbreallas.
Mi かさes su かさ, if you get what I mean.
A room with a view and a staircase, but no pond.

Gotta keep it short today, going out for okonomiyaki yummyness in about two minutes.

But yeah, things change. Maybe I'm changing with it. At the very least, I'm getting better at sitting on the floor!

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