fredag 14. februar 2014

Melodrama intermission 1: Introduction to Konbini

...or "mellom-drama", as you may.

Anyways. This is a Japanese 7/11.

This one is right accross from school*
*an other "sponsored" link from your resident sellout**.
**it's not that I don't want to link to the school, it's just that I probably wouldn't have thought of it if not for the offer of free stuff in return. And being such an upstanding and honest individual I feel the need to make y'all aware of this. Again.

It is one of several kinds of "Konbini", aka convenience stores. Quite unlike Norwegian 7/11s. For example, these do not sell panini*. (WHAT? Then it is nothing, it is worthless, WHY? -you may ask, but please hold on for a minute, it gets better)

*Actually, you would be hard pressed to find any bread products within these walls, or the walls of any Konbini in this fair country, although they usually do have a large collection of Not-Bread.

However, beer.
711-fylla calling
These beverages are about as cheap as your mom, and available at all times you might stumble in. 7/11 Japan has thus become one of my favourite pathways to desperate and/or pathetic drunkenness.

Much unlike its Norwegian cousin, the Japanese 7/11 is also a source of tasty, inexpensive and nutritious meals. It is, in fact, a very viable alternative for those lazy days when you just can't be bothered going to some awsome and yet really cheap Japanese resturant for lunch*.

*u mad? :3

Delicious meat. Nutritious meat. If you ask, they'll give you heat.
Then you can eat, and rest your feet.
I decided to try this lunch-thing I'd heard talk about, and bought meself a box'o'goodies.

Mmmmm, looks good. And healthy, too!
Look at the shine on that fish!
And there's a grape on my rice!
Don't know why there's a grape on my rice, don't care.
Imma eat it!
C'm'ere, grape!
Grape, why you not a grape?
Was actually pickled plum. Definitelly not grape. Very un-grape-like.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Love me some pickled plums! They are great drinking companions!

  2. Because they are alive and sentient, right?

  3. Not after they go into MY BELLY
