søndag 23. februar 2014

I've moved

Due to several circumstances, I've moved away from my initial host family and am for the moment staying at a dorm. Let's make one thing perfectly clear; I was neither thrown out nor did I leave because I didn't like my host mother and her family. The decision was mutual, and arriving at it was the longest roundabout game of "it's not you it's me" I've ever been a part of. I am a bit sad about it, but sometimes life just happens, and I'll deal.

In the mean time, dorm life! I now proudly present to you:

The worlds smallest bathtub:

I mean seriously.
Look at this thing.
A fake bed (let's face it guys. That is a futon on a table and there's no two doubts about it.)

A pot noodle vending maching. Forgot to get a picture of it, and am too lazy bum to go out and do it. But the noodles were great!

A social and generally awsome kitchen area:
I came in, and got cake.
The noodles (my dinner) are from the noodle-machine. The wine is from the same lady who gave me the cake.

So, my situation actually does not suck at all. I'll probably stay here for no more than a couple of days, until the people at GenkJACS can find me a new host family. I would probably be totally fine staying here longer, but since Tokyo is going to be all about the dormin', I really want to keep trying the homestay thing.

Is all good. :)

2 kommentarer:

  1. I think your dorm room is built on the same basic design as my old dorm, because that straight up IS my bathroom.

  2. Send meg en sms da- Nå ble jeg både nysgjerrig og litt bekymret. Ellers er det veldig artig å lese bloggen din. Fortsett slik....
