torsdag 27. februar 2014

I've moved (again)

Goodbye, dorm!

Goodbye tiny bathroom.

Moved in with a nice older lady living very close to central Tenjin, within walking distance of GenkiJACS. Got myself a Japanese style room and everything!

Hello tatami!
This time, my host mother speaks very little english, so I'll be forced to practise more Japanese. I suppose it is really a good thing, but it's also kind of scary since I still in no uncertain terms absolutely suck in this language! 

The lady used to run a coffe shop,
and guests used to leace umbreallas.
Mi かさes su かさ, if you get what I mean.
A room with a view and a staircase, but no pond.

Gotta keep it short today, going out for okonomiyaki yummyness in about two minutes.

But yeah, things change. Maybe I'm changing with it. At the very least, I'm getting better at sitting on the floor!

onsdag 26. februar 2014

Let's begin: Language Exchange!

"Ehhh, Hanne-san, what are you doing?!?"

Just arranging a hundred* appointments with various Language Exchange Partners through e-mail. It's a deal arranged through but not by GenkiJACS, in which they help people meet people for general swapping of linguistic competence. In this case, Japanese to/from English**.

**unless some of them are really interested in learning Norwegian. I would be fine with that too.

I don't know these people, I don't know their language, and about half of them are complete beginners in English*. In other words, talk about leaping oshiri first out of my comfort zone! Holy cow**!

*None of the self-introductions said anything about Norwegian.
**trying to cut down on the recreational swearing, since my mom is one of my three readers***.
***Hi mom! 

However, since my comfort zone actually lies approximately 8000 kilometers and eight time zones from here anyway, I figure why not just go all in. Vague social anxiety can take the long hike back to Norway for all I'm gonna let it get in my way!

Wish me good luck!

tirsdag 25. februar 2014

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (but not reallly)

Woke up to this:
No comment.
Japanese cats are weird.

Anyways. After all the excitement of the last couple of days, I dearly needed some time alone. So I decided to finally locate the nearby park that my phone har been recomending to me rather insistently.

Ten-ish minutes of walking from school through downtown Fukuoka. Atractive neighbourhood, bridge and river and all.
Bridge is also called "hashi" in Japanese.
I like rivers!

The park itself seemed nice enough, too.

And then I turned around.

We're talking giant stepped garden-forest thing going up the side of a really tall and really modern building. Not too shabby, I must say.

This building has a waterfall.

There are winding staircases all the way up to an observation deck on the roof.
The path.
The top level was closed today, but I didn't mind. I bought some konbini-dinner/lunch and staired up.
English! Yay! :)

First case of stair.

It was quite surreal. As I climbed, I really did feel like I was in some quiet forest grove. Yet at the same time, at each level the view of both the city and the garden behind me got more spectacular. Once again, I was struck by the incredible contrasts that are such a big part of Japanese aesthetic.
I wonder where this path goes...
Is this a forest or a city?

There was a river flowing down alongside the path,
ending in the waterfall I saw earlier.
Benches were scattered all the way up,always isolated enough for privacy.
None of the benches were occupied.
Maybe because it was between mealtimes,
maybe because the roof was closed.
I don't know.
I didn't mind.

This path didn't seem to lead anywhere.
In retrospect, it would probably have taken
me to Japanese Narnia.
Foilage backdrop selfie.
All the way up, I could always see the foilage of the lower level through the gaps between the stone steps.

And looking down, I could see some sort of stage previously hidden in the architecture.
Finally approaching the top, the city started really opening up behind me. And at the same time, I could see in at office workers through the windows of the building I was climbing.
There are people in there!
Of course, as I mentioned, from here I could get no further.
I should not pass.

But I really did not mind at all.
I was completely alone on the broad top staircase. Just me and a couple of crows.

There were no benches here, but like the crazy foreigner I am I sat down anyways and had my little meal of onigiri, mini-sandwich-thing and hot bean soup from a vending machine.

I like onigiri (basically just rice balls, often filled with stuff), but buying them is always a bit of a gamble. You know, since I as of yet lack any really effective way of determining what's inside before I have it in my mouth. Today I got my favourite:

Umeboshi - the pickeled plum of death.

Still not grape.
The sandwich-bites were a strange combination of curry-burger and eggs. Not bad, but a bit awkward.
I'm rich in neither time nor money these days, so sometimes meals become simple and/or a bit ad-hoc. All other things aside though, I've had meals waaaay worse than this.

The weather was nice and warm, so I sat on the top of this building for a couple of hours, just studying and enjoying not being in a hurry for anything at all.

The two week mark has been reached and surpassed, and I kind of can't believe it. Time gets really strange when you're experiencing pretty much everything for the first time. I've had a great time so far, and it's sucked like nothing ever. I've had a lot of fun and I've felt terrible a whole bunchload. But most importantly, I hope I'll end up having more moments like this; where I'm really and actually relaxed.

I wonder if I'll ever feel truly comfortable here. Until then, I'll hang on to days like today and try to remember what I re-learn every other week or so:

That life really is what you make of it.

mandag 24. februar 2014

Kaiten sushi gifstravaganza!

Sushi sushi come to me!
Lunch be good when lunch be thee.
One plate two plates three plates four

I could always have one more!

Explanation for the uninitiated: "Kaiten sushi" involves picking plates off the conveyor belt and then paying per plate when you leave. You can order particular items from a clever computer screen, or just grab whatever the magical Kaiten elves choose to offer. At this place, each plate is a little over 100yen, which means about 7-8 ish NOK. Even if you be mighty hungry, you should be stayin' on the low one hundred - myself, I'd be hard pressed to eat 'till that third digit.

Incidentally, I did not actually have all those plates myself. I just gathered everones for a cheap laugh.

søndag 23. februar 2014

I've moved

Due to several circumstances, I've moved away from my initial host family and am for the moment staying at a dorm. Let's make one thing perfectly clear; I was neither thrown out nor did I leave because I didn't like my host mother and her family. The decision was mutual, and arriving at it was the longest roundabout game of "it's not you it's me" I've ever been a part of. I am a bit sad about it, but sometimes life just happens, and I'll deal.

In the mean time, dorm life! I now proudly present to you:

The worlds smallest bathtub:

I mean seriously.
Look at this thing.
A fake bed (let's face it guys. That is a futon on a table and there's no two doubts about it.)

A pot noodle vending maching. Forgot to get a picture of it, and am too lazy bum to go out and do it. But the noodles were great!

A social and generally awsome kitchen area:
I came in, and got cake.
The noodles (my dinner) are from the noodle-machine. The wine is from the same lady who gave me the cake.

So, my situation actually does not suck at all. I'll probably stay here for no more than a couple of days, until the people at GenkJACS can find me a new host family. I would probably be totally fine staying here longer, but since Tokyo is going to be all about the dormin', I really want to keep trying the homestay thing.

Is all good. :)

torsdag 20. februar 2014


It's a cafe

full of owls.

Do I need to comment?

There is what appears to be an owl on my arm.
There is an owl that looks like a penguin.

Penguin. Owl. Selfie.

Big owls.
Tiny owls.
Do you have a problem with that, punk?

"Calm down, Pigwidgeon."

"I AM calm."
"Sheesh, you guys are way too tense, man"

"Would y'all just please shut up?"

Owl cafe. Japan, you crazy.
Shoulder owl selfie. I will probably never be able to top this...