mandag 30. juni 2014

Tokyo Tower Touristing

Having my Fabulous Fukuoka Friend Rakel in town last week gave me an excellent excuse to run around playing tourist for a bit. I really do not do this often enough at all, and so in the set of "things none of us have done yet" there was all kinds of attractions to choose from.

We chose Tokyo Tower, a 333m high broadcasting tower built to look like the Eiffel Tower but painted orange to comply with air safety regulations. Of course, the Japanese version is just a teensy bit taller than its 324m tall counterpart in France.

We R Toristz
For primarily economic reasons we only went up to the middle deck.

Having been up a few of the truly high rise towers in Tokyo, I have to say I think I prefer this middle altitude. The Tower is situated in a very interesting area, giving views of a large number of famous neighborhoods, and being at eye-level so to say with the skyscrapers meant that the views kept their personalities. In my experience, going too high means looking further but seing less.

Clusters of skyskrapers.
Of course, going high is always interesting just because of the thrill.

We found this tiny viewing window

Rakel refused to step on it.

Then we found this larger one.
She absolutely refused to step on this one. So do not be fooled, that is my lower body, even if it is Rakel's face.
Rakel turned distinctly green when I decided to jump up and down on the viewing window.

"should I try to look cool?"

"Naaah. I'll just be myself."

Cafés in places like this are always a bit over-priced, and yet always worth it.
Dat view.
And since it was a weekday with cloudy weather outside of the high-tourist-season, the usually hyper-crowded observation deck seemed downright peaceful. Quite relaxing, really.

That is, at least until the batshit crazy Japanese comedians started preforming.

I hope I do not sound narrow minded for saying this, but sometimes I just really do not understand Japanese humour. And that, I think, is not just because of the language barrier.

But anyway.

Dat view, amIright?

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