søndag 9. mars 2014

The Imminent Japanese Obesity Epidemic (aka the Heart Attack on Titan)

I was challenged to find this.

So I did.

Doing so was in fact disturbingly easy, and leads again to the eternal question; why are there not more fat people in Japan? Seriously, the eats they have here... "Stamina portions", "Power Meals", they put supersize to shame and yet the people I see in the streets are as slender as anything. Me no wakarimasu.

Now it just so happens that I'm a huge fan of Attack on Titan. Even though I generally try to keep my *ahem* "fondness for animated features and children's cartoons..." in check at least a little bit so as to avoid the "otaku" stereotype one so easily gets branded with as a foreigner in this place, the awsome of this goddamn show just cannot be denied.

I have to appologize to you all though. I only got the 5m-class burger, because I felt I needed more "training" before going bigger (even though the bigger ones were exactly the same price. Again, WHY IS THIS COUNTRY NOT MORBIDLY OBESE?!?).

My meal came with a 3D manouver gear keychain. I wish more of my meals came with 3D manouver gear keychains.

There are few people who truly understand
how childishly happy this makes me.

My Tottoro coin purse is now armed and adorable.
The actual burger? It arrived dripping in the fat of broken dreams. I imagined the ketchup to be the blood of tiny helpless humans. The cheese soaked in the tears of their children.

Dieters everywhere; run for your lives!

This was the SMALLEST ONE!

Yum? 0.o
I did actually eat the whole thing. And now I'm never eating anything ever again. Even though I might have disappointed you, the decision to go for 5 burger patties (instead of the 7 or 10 I could have had) was probably the smartest one I've made in a while.

To make it up to you, here is a picture of something that probably could be dessert...?
"You want friiiiiies with that?"
"...I ordered a chocolate tart."
"I know. Do you want fries with it?"
Japan, you weird.


Pretentiously Preposterous Post Postum!

In a fit of shameless self promotion, I made a facebook page for my blog. This way I won't have to throw these posts up on my own personal wall anymore. Like the page to get convenient notifications with updates of all my incredibly interesting exploits (and all the other ones, as well).

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