tirsdag 25. mars 2014

Sports and entertainment

I more or less randomly recieved two free tickets to an off-season baseball game, so me and my Icelandic compatriot went to be some kind of Scandinavian invasion at the Soft-Bank Hawks (from Fukuoka) vs Nippon-Ham Fighters (Hokkaido) showdown. Last week. Then I totes forgot to blog about it, even though this post almost literally writes itself. Sorreyyyh.

The thing is, neither me nor Rakel care particularly much about sports. One could, in fact, boldly claim that we are less interested in these bafflingly popular human activities than the general population of an average anthill. One might even go so far as to point out that this was my first time going to a large sports event in the history of ever. 

Fukuoka Yahoo! Dome. A very impressive retractable-roof venue, sponsored by Google.
I generally believe there is a very good reason why the category tend to be labelled "sports and entertainment", is all*

*That is a matter of mutual exclusivity, in case you're the kind of person who needs to brush up on their Venn diagrams.

However, I gotta admit, the place was cool.

Oh man this is so exciting. These men are going to be throwing their balls around!

And watching them practise before the match started, it soon became clear that they were quite impressively good at throwing and catching balls. One might almost think they've done it before. 

All pumped up now (but not really), we got ourselves some very expensive (Norway priced!) beer, and were ready to watch some quality ballin'.

The one thing we had left out of our consideration was that none of us actually knew the rules to the game. 

We did see people throwing balls, hitting balls, and occationally running around after the ball. Sometimes some numbers changed on the big board. Mostly though, people were standing around a lot. I think Hokkaido might have been winning, but I really have no idea.

We had some more beer.

Eventually, in lieu of anything better to do, we decided to practice some explicit sexism. Hokkaido player number 52 was very fond of standing with his back to us and doing stretches (or something), and we were very fond of his bum.

So in case you hadn't guessed yet, the title of this blogpost refers to baseball (sport) and this guy's perky bottom (entertainment).

Reaction shot.

And then the audience all simultaneously spouted yellow sperm-shaped balloons. 

PS. I kind of recommend watching this video all the way to the end.

The end.

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