tirsdag 11. november 2014

Better late than never ever: introduction


It's November? It's mid-November? Are you fracking kidding me?

Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I only had one post in october, I didn't even post about my birthday, it's pathetic! I have no excuse, other than these:

  1. I've been really busy. (Big shock. Only the perennial excuse of content  providers anywhere)
  2. I've been in Japan a while now, getting sort of used to stuff. It's not that new and strange anymore, so it's a tad less interesting to write about.
  3. I haven't been homesick.
    • Sorry homies. I still love you, I just haven't been sick from it!
      • Confession time: it's a lot more fun to write home when you want home.
I've still been taking photos though, and lot's of them. My backlog is getting huge, so I've just decided to spew them out all at once in a minnimal comment extravaganza. It'll be just like a photo album, but funnier.

So announcing the imminent arrival of: What I've been up to the last month or so!

aren't you just excited?

Some actually intersting content* coming up in Better late than never ever 2: summer festivals
*well, content anyway.

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