torsdag 13. november 2014

Better late than never ever 4: Birthday girl

I celebrated a modest birthday in Tokyo on October 23rd.

The office celebrated my awsomeness by treating me to sushi.

Unfortunatly it's not all for me :(

Day 23: They still have not realised I'm not tuna
After lunch somebody had placed a small cake on my desk.

It was anonymous, but with my amazing detective skills I narrowed it down to the Embassy trainees. Those sneaky sneaks! :D

If you're wondering about the theme: Literally everything was Halloween at this point in time. It was completely inescapable!

I'm gonna be honest and say that in spite of everyone beeing super nice, and in spite of me saying I'm like never homesick anymore, I felt some tangs while I was sitting alone trying to work. 
Sadface :(
It's tough to be away from family and old friends and newer friends and everything familiar and safe for so long, and my birthday kind of reminded me of that.

But I got over it pretty quick*.

*Or I pushed it down into a ball of surpressed emotion that slowly but surely will manifest as mental illness. One of the two. 

The present from home had also arrived just in time:

Home knitted woolen sweater and my favourite ridiculous green christmas lue! Mothers are awsome! :D
I used my own Birthday Budget on a field trip, which you can read all you want about in Better late than never ever 5: Japanese national romantic roller coasters

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