torsdag 15. mai 2014

I have some big news

I had so many plans for how to present this information, no matter which way the coin fell. There was a new happy-dance video half-edited in my brain, and I had a poem of mourning almost completely composed. But now that I actually know for sure, I'm just too relieved to make a big deal out of it. I have been nervous this past week (and too hung up on my future to make much bloggin', sry'nstuff). Let me tell you why.

Remember way back when, I said I had another sort-of plan after my study-term at Toudai. Because it has been totally up in the air and I have been scared of it all coming to nothing I've been keeping very quiet about it on the blog, but I've secretly been preparing ever since I got to Fukuoka. I gathered references, prettified my CV, wrote and submitted my application and eventually, last week, I went to an interview.

They told me there were many good applicants.

They told me they would call my references.

And yesterday, they told me I got the job.



Okay, let me say that again.

They told me I got the job.

The job.

I got it.

They said so.

So now, please excuse me for a second.

I did it. I got the job. YESSSSSyessyessyessYESSS! or as the locals would say, やったあああああああ


So what does this mean?

It means I'll be staying in Tokyo for six more months as a trainee (norsk: stipendiat) for Innovation Norway after my uniterm is done in August.

It means I'll be working at the Royal Norwegian Embassy.

It means I'll have to find my own apartment in Tokyo, living off a relatively small grant every month. My graduation will be delayed by (*ahem* an additional) six months. I will be doing vaguely defined stuff quite far from my academic field.

And it is totally awsome.

I can't really say where this will take me. Right now, I'm just riding this wave of forward momentum and enjoying my life becoming far more interesting than ever before.

A couple of things I do know for sure, though.

There will be more tentacles.

More sake.

That is not water I'm holding.
More gorgeous parks.

And of course, more selfies!

DFTBA, because I sure won't!

I'm on such a high cloud right now, it feels like my feet are on the ceiling. No wait, that actually happened.

What I'm trying to say here, is that I'm still Big in Japan
In all seriousness though, I've been kinda-sorta planning to apply for this job since I first became aware of the possibility more than a year ago. Looking at the description, I felt it might be a very good (perfect?) job for me, and I also humbly dared to feel like I really just might be a good choice for the position. Thankfully, I was not the only one thinking this.


I don't think I've ever put so much faith in myself. I was pretty much gambling with half a year of my life, because going back to NTNU in September, with no apartment, no money and a month of coursework to catch up would have suuuuuuuucked.

It's been scary as hell, that's what. But that's part of my new look on life. I spent a good number of years holding myself back because of fear of failure or lack of confidence or self-doubt or some such nonsense, and while I still have all of those things (and oh, do I!), I have made a conscious choice and am making constant effort to not let that shit stop me. Even for a second. No matter what, just keep moving forward.

I dared to fail, and it turned out awsome. Now let that stay here on this blog as a lesson to myself the next time I get scared of taking a leap.

I have come a long way since Trondheim, and I'm not stopping yet!

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