mandag 21. juli 2014

Just smart enough to survive (but still pretty goddamn stupid)

I take a break from apartment-hunting to bring you a tale of stupidity.

So, I didn't know that today was a holiday, and went to lab as usual totally unaware. "Huh, weird that the gate is closed. And the train seems less crowded than usual", thought I. Arriving at campus only to find that my building was locked, and that my ID card was not enough to open it. No trust for the international students, I suppose. I've heard that you can get access by going to some office and doing some paper something, but I'd never bothered. That was Stupid #1.

I wondered what to do; after all, I'd come all the way out here. If nothing else, it would be a shame to waste the commuting money. After some consideration I decided to lurk outside the building for a while in case I'd get lucky. And shortly, I did.

Some guys came out, and I slunk in like a thief in broad daylight. Politeness really is a major security threat! Even though this wasn't very smart, I count it as Smart #1.

Of course, I realised that I couldn't leave the building, because then I'd have no way to get back in. Yay vending machine food-day for me.

After some hours of work, I felt my stomach complaining. I grabbed my bag and went all the way down to the first floor before I realized that my wallet was on my desk, as I'd needed an ID for something earlier. I count this as Stupid #2, and you'll soon know why.

Fixing this will not count as a Smart, it was too easy. But when I got back upstairs, I put the wallet back on my desk.

Seven thousand hours later, I grabbed my bag to go home, Totoro-shaped IC commuter card holder dangling. Going to grab a late dinner and some snacks at my local 7eleven, but of course my wallet was still at my desk. I'd forgotten it for the second time. This is Stupid #3, #4 and #5.

I had 100yen in a pocket, so I bought an onigiri to munch. But unfortunately for me, money is not the only thing I keep in my wallet.

So I had no key. Okay.

I could go back to the lab again (yo). But no, my IC card was almost depleted, so I actually couldn't afford it. And since it was getting late I wouldn't be able to get back in anyway. There would likely not be many people there for me to luckily utilize on their way in or out.

I could only make my dejected way home (a student on a bicycle was going out through the campus gate as I was going in, so I didn't have to climb it) and hope against hope that there would be staff in the lobby, even on a Holiday Evening. But if there were, would they let me in?

The door-sign said "Closed". Fuck. But I knocked anyway. And lo, there was the staff-man. In half-English half-Japanese I explained the situation, and when he asked for ID I triumphantly brought my glorious shiny red indispensible amazing thank-god-I-had-it-or-I-wouldn't-even Passport out of the secret room in my bag where I always always keep it.

Holy. Crap.

I am seriously.

Always keep your passport handy.

This is Smart #2 through 40.

Now I'm just sitting here seriously hoping that my wallet really is safe on my desk like I think it is. I have most of my really important stuff at home, but I really don't have time to replace my registration card right now. Something tells me that would be a bitch.

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