fredag 22. august 2014

A whole neeeew wooooorld....

A new fantastic point of view indeed.

It's Friday afternoon, and I've been working as a trainee at Innovation Norway for one week.

On my way to the first day. Slightly nervous. Okay, really really nervous. Piss your pants nervous. Not literally.
On the first day, after starting out as a high-strung bundle of nervous nerviness, I finally fulfilled my long-standing ambition: Once the workday was over, I promptly jumped in the pool.

It's not that easy to take selfies in bright sunlight I'lltellya.
And since it's been crazy hot this week, I've actually used said pool three afternoons out of five.

Second. Best. Perk. Ever.

Second best? Why?

Because grand piano, that's why.

Sjå, pæng!

If there's nothing else going on in the so-called Arctic Hall I'm free to use it whenever I want.

I've printed some of my favourite open-access sheet music, and I am so really ready to finally improve my playing after stagnating for literally years.

And seriously. Can you describe "perfection" any better than going in the pool to cool off for an hour of swimming after work, then another hour of piano in "my private" concert hall?

Secret Bathroom Selfie.

The work has been really good so far too. I'm being all adult wearing adult clothes (at the time of writing I am actually wearing a pencil skirt blouse combo). I had a real water-cooler conversation, by the actual water cooler. I make coffee every morning (although there are not so many coffee drinkers here, so it's mostly for myself). And I feel like I'm really being taken seriously - my input on the cases where I feel competent to give it is being listened to, and I feel like its valued.

Even though my job so far mostly has been making PowerPoint presentations for others.

In one of the presentations, to be held by one of the guys at the office on a Norway tour, at NTNU for potential new exchange students, I featured myself as a Case Example. I might even come in on Skype. Fun Times!

I are professional!

I've been so overwhelmed by the newness of everything that I've more or less fallen comatose within minutes of returning home every day.

But now I've got to finish quickly, I'm off to Friday beer. Okay.

I'll leave you with this awsome pizza,
Best way to celebrate a successful first day!
and my emergency helmet.

Safety first!

Pizza out.

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